Monday, October 17, 2005

Day Five: Eye on the Prize

The Verdict stared in awe inside the mystery building at the guns lining the walls. There could easily be enough guns inside for the whole Robber team, and there were also shelves of what appeared to be gadgets, and computer parts. Suddenly remembering he was supposed to bury those bags he quickly got back to work, finishing up in no time. He could not decide whether or not to tell his team about this discovery. These guns would definitely help the team as a whole to take more money, but they could also be his chance to eliminate the rest of the robbers and anyone else who stood in his way at a later point. Without a clear decision in mind, The Verdict headed back to the hideout.

At the Police Station, word had come in from a civilian that a shopkeeper had been killed at Flower Convenience. When Chief Pitman heard this he was immediately all over his radio, calling the officers to move towards Flower Convenience. He had also been called by a salesperson from Barbulli Shoes, and informed that they had also been robbed. Angry that his officers had not been patrolling effectively, Chief Pitman set out of the station to check out the convenience store and find a witness.

Hiding across the street there was a witness. Furiously writing information down about what he had seen, a Private Investigator knew this was his lucky day.

The following is the account of P.I. Patrick Sutherland.

Standing on the north side of Pewter St. across from Flower Convenience, Patrick Sutherland was in shock at first when he heard the gunshots. There were three shots and he had looked in the direction of the sound and saw a large man running out the front door and around the corner. A little ahead of the large man he had seen another smaller figure running south-east. Patrick thought of chasing them, but instead began taking notes on what he had seen. He described the physical attributes of the man with the gun so well that he could easily recognize him if he saw him again. The other figure had been farther off, but he had been shorter than the first, but with black hair and darker colored skin.

Of the other people that had been around Flower Convenience, no one else had been running or even looked at all suspicious. There had been a couple of middle-aged women, a fairly overweight young man, a young couple, and an old black man in the immediate area. Some of them didn’t even seem to notice the gunshots (from inside the shop they weren’t very loud) and others had stopped and went back to the store to check it out. Those who went right back to the store Pat ruled out right away, because someone who just committed a crime would not return seconds or minutes after it occurred.

After a few minutes, Pat could hear a siren coming from the east and he peeked out from around the building, and a police car was speeding down the road towards him. Despite the fact he had not done anything wrong, he had this sudden urge to run away. He needed however to see the cops and take notes on what they looked like, and how they observed the scene of the crime. Out of the police car came one officer wearing the full police uniform with three chevrons on the sleeves of his shirt. Pat didn’t know the official ranking system of the police, but he could tell that this man was confident, and he picked him as one of the leaders of the cop team. The officer walked right into the convenience store, but knowing he could not ask the “dead” shopkeeper any questions he just looked around to see if anything was left behind. Pat was watching this through the window across the street but he had a pretty clear view. Out of nowhere, he was tapped on the shoulder.

He spun around to find Micah George standing behind him with an astonished look on his face. Pat could not believe his eyes. He and Micah had been friends in real life for a long time, until a recent argument had split them up. They began talking, and they each told each other that they were Private Investigators. Knowing that Micah could be lying, Pat was careful not to reveal too much. He didn’t bring up the robbery that he had just witnessed, but he was sure that Micah knew about it too. Whether he was involved in it was another story. Pat decided not to talk strategy, because he didn’t want to give anything away, so he asked Micah how he got into the game. It turned out that Micah didn’t even apply to get in; he was confronted by the producers. At the time he didn’t know why they would approach him, but seeing that Pat was in the game too made sense to him.

Pat looked around the corner onto Pewter St. again, and there were 5 cops coming right towards them down the street. Even though he was not a robber and he had not done anything wrong, Pat ran. He bolted north towards the office buildings. Looking behind him he could see Micah running too, and to his dismay, the cops were chasing them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:59 PM, October 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha pitman you got spotted by a p.i., who knows maybe pat will drop his note pad in the run

8:41 AM, October 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love how pat just takes off running.. the cops wouldnt do anything to him he could just lie and say he was walking by or something but he decides to take off for no reason. thats awesome, way to go pat

10:08 AM, October 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, my first day of actually being mentioned and I'm already on the run. What did you get me involved in PAT?! Hoepfully those cops are smokers and we will be able to out run them somehow, or maybe we just won't be arrested, however it works Mike H had better not elimiate us or anything. Ohh and btw, another astonishingly well done day there Mike.

10:12 AM, October 18, 2005  
Blogger Patrick Sutherland said...

Just like Micah always screwing me over. I hope he gets caught and killed by the cops. Or at least captured for the whole game. I think it would be great if Pat brought down Pitman... although I enjoyed the shooting I really wouldn't mind taking him down.

Overall Pat seems to be the superior character on the blog. Keeping him alive is wise. Kill Micah.

3:25 PM, October 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gold, pure gold flash, flash gold

8:52 PM, October 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shot not chasing Pat.

10:33 PM, October 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

since pat is a witness does he have to talk to the cops? can we arrest the PI's if they don't talk?

i liked my first arrest a couple days ago and liked the warm fuzzy feeling that came with it...i would like to feel warm and fuzzy again...eeeeeh pitman?! ;-)

7:24 PM, October 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

helllllll yes

8:08 PM, October 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey robber team, if u guys can bust me outta jail we can hit that jewellery store for big bucks. sorry mike for not commenting b4 first time ive been at a computer in like a month.

6:13 AM, October 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, dirks is worth more than $ least $2.50

12:06 PM, October 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I don't check the site for a bit and I miss a death threat, not bad. Okay "muscle" first of all I am not being cocky if I state the truth. I thought you were getting busted before but NOW chasing down a P.I. ( which I don't understand why he is running ) who has info on you, you have no chance. Don't worry though I'll make sure you have a nice corner cell. I'll even give you a nice view where you can watch me eat some tasty doughnuts.

and thanks to officer Eby for sticking up for a fellow officer

Captain Cam

7:30 AM, October 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you give up on us?

5:35 AM, October 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ill shoot you in your ass to

4:41 PM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger Amanda said...

Can't wait for some more of this cops and robbers goodness hamilton...Let's go!

9:25 PM, November 01, 2005  

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