Thursday, November 03, 2005

Day Six: Arrests and Patrols

The Muscle entered the Robber hideout to find the majority of his team hunched over, out of breathe. They were all very excited though because their hold-ups had seemingly gone successfully. At Barbulli Shoes, The Stylist had played a hostage to the Robbers, and forced the staff to give them any money they had, as well as a couple pairs of shoes for The Stylist.

Just then, The Verdict came down the stairs and the guys from the Flower Convenience heist looked eagerly at him. He told them that he buried the bags behind some buildings in the south-west quadrant, and that he would take them to the bags at a later time. The Cold Killer asked if anyone had followed The Verdict, but he assured them that no one followed him, and that everything went smoothly. He decided not to tell them at this point about the guns in the Mystery Buildings, and that he would choose his time wisely… and more importantly, who to tell.

Peering out the window of Flower convenience, Chief Pitman could see some members of his team chasing some other figures further off. He wanted to run out the door and help, but he knew what he was looking for. Sure enough, in one of the corners there was a security camera, and connected to this camera there had to be a tape.

The following is the account of Sergeant Tyler Wells on Day Six

Running as fast as he could, Sgt. Wells bolted north around a corner between Paradise City Jewelers and Pontoon Inc. Behind him (and catching up) was Captain Dirks, and behind him Officer Edwards and Officer Eby. Up ahead, Wells could still see the two figures running up ahead. He didn’t know exactly why he began to run after these men, but they were hanging around the crime-scene and he merely wanted to ask them some questions. However this plan was not to be as the two men suddenly decided to run away. Up ahead, the two figures split up, one turning east, and the other continuing north. Sgt. Wells ran faster north to catch the one running north, while looking behind, pointing for Captain Dirks to follow the other man.

Slowly and surely, Sgt. Wells caught up to the man, grabbed his shirt and pulled him to a stop. Right away, the man turned and said he was not a robber, but a Private Investigator. He said his name was Pat Sutherland, and that he only ran because he had information that he didn’t want to fall into anyone else’s hands. Despite the fact that he believed Mr. Sutherland’s story, Sgt. Wells decided to bring him into the station for further questioning just in case. He radioed for Captain Dirks, to let him know what was going down, and Dirks let Wells know that he was bringing someone named Micah George into the station as well.

Outside the station, Silas Pedro Esq. watched and took notes of who was entering the station, and more importantly who wasn’t coming back out. A man and a woman had been seemingly arrested a couple days ago, and just today two more men were brought in. He knew that the cops had a strong team, but he didn’t know that they would be so effective so early.

Back in the station, Sgt. Wells had placed the “Private Investigators” in separate cells and Dep. Chief Heidman was taking turns questioning them. They seemed to be sticking with their stories and soon it was apparent that they were indeed telling the truth. Dep. Chief Heidman was having one problem though. This Pat Sutherland had information that he was not sharing willfully, and it seemed the Wells that he really wanted it. As per the rules, if Pat and Micah were PIs, then they really didn’t have to give any of their information to the Cops. Soon enough, Pat and Micah were released and Sgt. Wells could see the two actual Robbers they had caught were speaking to each other through the bars. Wells realized now that these robbers now know two Private Investigators, and if they were ever able to get information out to their team, these two PIs were probably as good as dead.

Soon it was time for Sgt. Wells to patrol again. The sun was going down and Sgt. Wells left the station with Off. Tyla Leonard for the south-east residential quadrant. Crossing the street they saw a figure with dark skin and long dread-locked hair move behind the department store on the south side of Pewter St. This was right in front of the Police Station, so there wasn’t really any danger, so Wells and Tyla continued, without running, towards where the man went. They split up, because they didn’t want to make a scene as there were pedestrians walking down the sidewalks. If there were gunfire and a pedestrian was accidentally killed, the Police Officer that committed that murder would be automatically eliminated from the game. There were many rules like this that forced the Cops to be careful with their guns, so Wells and Leonard kept their guns clipped on their belts.

Wells didn’t think that it would be possible to find three suspicious characters today, but surely this one had to be a Robber. When Sgt. Wells came around the corner of Lawson’s Department Store there was no one to be scene. Perhaps the man had run as soon as he was out of sight, but it would be Wells’ mission tonight to find this man. Off. Leonard came around the corner, and they discussed how best to patrol this area, seeing as it was mostly houses. All the Cops lived in these houses, and as far as he knew so did the Robbers and the Private Investigators. Wells knew searching this quadrant thoroughly could really lead to success for his team.

He took out his notepad, and told Tyla to do the same as they walked past all the houses and took some notes on which ones looked overly busy. He thought the Robbers must have some sort of hideout rather than individual houses, so he kept his eyes open for increased activity in and out of the houses. While on Logger court, walking east towards the court part, Wells saw a man open a door, take one look out directly at him, and then he closed the door and apparently retreated inside. Without making a big deal of it, Wells made a mental note of the house number (54 Logger Ct.) and continued on to write that address and the description of the man down as he walked down the sidewalk. Sgt. Wells thought he may have something here.

Hiding in a backyard, Silas Pedro Esq. hugged a brick wall and watched the male Police Officer walk past the house. Silas was not sure exactly what house he was leaning against, or even what street he was on seeing as he had been hopping fences instead of leading the Cop to his own house. He was about to leave when he decided to peer into the basement window of the house. There were about six men and one woman seated around a table with papers out, having an intense discussion. To Silas, there was no mistaking who these people were. He had found the Robbers' hideout.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the man.

2:07 PM, November 03, 2005  
Blogger Patrick Sutherland said...

HAHA arrested and protested to give info... That Pat is a good man... If he keeps this up he'll win lotsa of money for sure. Silas seems to be up to his usual excellent skills in intelligence and running. Over all an exciting post... although I wish Micah had got shot.

4:54 PM, November 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyler dominated Day 6; what's up with Ty hitting on Tyla though? Hamilton is a weirdo. And Clarke can lick it.

8:41 PM, November 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was intense man, like incredibly well done. That was alot of action for one day. Even officer Edwards got in there man, what was he thinking.

10:00 PM, November 03, 2005  

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