Day Nine: A Real Heist
Officer Edwards followed Lt. Wilson down into the hole in the floor in the Westernmost Mystery building in the South-West Quadrant of Paradise City. He noticed that the walls and floor of the tunnel surrounding them were plain concrete, and that if they hadn’t had flashlights they would not have been able to see anything at all. Pointing his flashlight down the tunnel in front of himself, Officer Edwards could see that the tunnel extended beyond view. Encouraging eachother to continue forwards Officer Edwards and Lt. Wilson began walking down the long tunnel to see where it lead.

Steve Edwards thought that they must have been walking north towards Pewter Street, and soon the passageway split off to the right. Deciding not to split up, the two Cops continued forwards deciding to wait for the other passageway until the way back. Suddenly there was a stairway to the side. The passageway continued north, but there was definitely a hatch at the top of the stairs right beside them. Together they decided to try this door to see where exactly they were. They reached the top of the stairs and saw that there was a sign on the bottom of the hatch there was a sign that read “Pontoon Inc.”

The following is the account of The Hutt on Day Nine

Four hours the ten remaining Robbers sat at their table in the hideout. At all times they had one member outside of the hideout watching for Cops or whoever would be coming after that dreadlocked man had found their hideout. For the time being they needed to stay here before finding another hideout. The Robbers had been sitting at the table going over The Hutt’s plan of robbing Naysayer Publishing. Again they would use The Stylist as a distraction. She would go in and ask the receptionist about the building and what hinds of things they did there, and eventually ask for a tour. When The Hutt had been there before he had found the control room for the security system, so The Stylist had been taught how to take out that system once she found it. The Stylist would then kill the receptionist and hide her in the control room.
After this was done the rest of the Robbers would come to the building and together they would take the staff hostage and steal all the computers as well as all the money in the company safe, which was a lot. All of the Robbers stood up from the table at The Architect’s word and the heist had begun. The Stylist went up the stairs and out of the hideout while the rest of the team put on their masks (which they had made out of black stockings and such) and made last minute preparations to leave. The Hutt knew the team had a long walk and they didn’t want to attract too much attention. They would leave one at a time when the sun went down, which would be soon. It was about eight at night so Naysayer would be closing in about an hour.
After a long wait, The Hutt was the last to leave the hideout for Naysayer. He knew that he wouldn’t be as useful in whatever confrontation may occur, or for the lifting of computers and such. That plan for Naysayer was not an in and out job because it will take a long time to transport the goods, and they wanted to leave as late as possible to avoid being seen. So the most important things was keeping the staff in line so no one can get word out. The training they had before the game had taught The Hutt how to cut the telephone line and he had made sure The Stylist knew how to cut both the telephone line and wreck the surveillance equipment. Still, as he walked slowly north-west towards Naysayer he worried that something would go wrong.

Eventually The Hutt was walking on Reed St. up to the front doors of Naysayer Publishing. The Legend was standing just inside the doors keeping an eye out for anyone that shouldn’t be there. As planned, the main indoor lights were off (as it was after nine) so the building would look closed. He walked inside and asked The Legend how things were going so far. The Legend informed him that everything had gone unbelievably smoothly. The thirty staff were being held hostage on the second floor with the lights out by The Cold Killer who had one of the guns, while the rest of the team were organizing the loot and trying to find the safe. The Hutt couldn’t be more excited that his plan was successful as he got in the elevator headed for the second floor to find The Architect.
Meanwhile, Lt. Wilson and Officer Edwards were still in the tunnel system searching all the places this tunnel lead. They had found a passage into the Hospital as well as Pontoon and PC Jewelers. They were now standing on the stairs looking at the hatch above them that was marked “Naysayer Publishing.” Like every building up to this point they slowly opened up the hatch and peered out onto what appeared to be the first floor of the large building. The lights were off but they could see a man standing by the front doors wearing a black mask clearly standing guard. Slowly shutting the hatch Wilson and Edwards just looked at each other in disbelief, before Lt. Wilson got out his radio.
Exiting the elevator on the second floor with his mask on, The Hutt was greeted by The Architect who was all smiles. Through a doorway down the hall The Hutt could see The Cold Killer standing guard over a group of people sitting on the floor. The lights in the building were off, but The Hutt could see members of his team hurrying around opening doors and exiting with CPUs in their arms. The Hutt asked The Architect if they had found the safe and he replied that The Chump had found and cracked the safe which contained a cool $100,000. Down the hallway to the right The Hutt could see The Wit and The Verdict piling CPUs onto a cart happily and that made The Hutt happy. This had been his plan and it had not only been successful, but everyone seemed happy as it had brought the team together.
Suddenly, The Hutt heard a siren and ran to the window to see what was going on. The Police car was turning onto Reed Street from Orion Road and it had the siren on. And from Lantern Lane he could see three officers running towards the building. The Architect radioed The Legend but there was no response. Knowing they had to get out of there fast The Architect quickly radioed The Chump (who had the money) and told him to hustle out the back door as quickly as he could, avoid any eyes, and run as fast as he could back to the hideout. He told him too if he was in danger of being caught to hide the money somewhere quickly.
The Architect yelled to The Wit and The Verdict to follow them down the back stairs. The Hutt followed if a little slower than The Architect. And then before they got into the stairwell The Architect stopped to wait for The Wit and The Verdict and said something that confused The Hutt. He said, “Trust me, this had to be done.” The Hutt’s response was limited to “What do…” before The Architect pulled out a gun from behind him, pointed it at The Wit, fired, then pointed it at The Verdict and fired again. Because the suit each contestant wears simulates impact when being shot, both The Wit and The Verdict fell down stunned at what had just happened. Before The Hutt could say anything else The Architect ran into the stairwell and started down the stairs. As The Hutt was about to ask what just happened two Cops appeared at the bottom of stairs pointed their guns at The Architect and yelled at him to surrender. The Architect surrendered immediately, and was forced against the wall and cuffed.
As the Hutt was being cuffed he wondered who if any escaped from Naysayer Publishing tonight, and if the game was over already.

Question of the Day: Who if anyone do you think was able to escape from the Cops?

Steve Edwards thought that they must have been walking north towards Pewter Street, and soon the passageway split off to the right. Deciding not to split up, the two Cops continued forwards deciding to wait for the other passageway until the way back. Suddenly there was a stairway to the side. The passageway continued north, but there was definitely a hatch at the top of the stairs right beside them. Together they decided to try this door to see where exactly they were. They reached the top of the stairs and saw that there was a sign on the bottom of the hatch there was a sign that read “Pontoon Inc.”

The following is the account of The Hutt on Day Nine

Four hours the ten remaining Robbers sat at their table in the hideout. At all times they had one member outside of the hideout watching for Cops or whoever would be coming after that dreadlocked man had found their hideout. For the time being they needed to stay here before finding another hideout. The Robbers had been sitting at the table going over The Hutt’s plan of robbing Naysayer Publishing. Again they would use The Stylist as a distraction. She would go in and ask the receptionist about the building and what hinds of things they did there, and eventually ask for a tour. When The Hutt had been there before he had found the control room for the security system, so The Stylist had been taught how to take out that system once she found it. The Stylist would then kill the receptionist and hide her in the control room.
After this was done the rest of the Robbers would come to the building and together they would take the staff hostage and steal all the computers as well as all the money in the company safe, which was a lot. All of the Robbers stood up from the table at The Architect’s word and the heist had begun. The Stylist went up the stairs and out of the hideout while the rest of the team put on their masks (which they had made out of black stockings and such) and made last minute preparations to leave. The Hutt knew the team had a long walk and they didn’t want to attract too much attention. They would leave one at a time when the sun went down, which would be soon. It was about eight at night so Naysayer would be closing in about an hour.
After a long wait, The Hutt was the last to leave the hideout for Naysayer. He knew that he wouldn’t be as useful in whatever confrontation may occur, or for the lifting of computers and such. That plan for Naysayer was not an in and out job because it will take a long time to transport the goods, and they wanted to leave as late as possible to avoid being seen. So the most important things was keeping the staff in line so no one can get word out. The training they had before the game had taught The Hutt how to cut the telephone line and he had made sure The Stylist knew how to cut both the telephone line and wreck the surveillance equipment. Still, as he walked slowly north-west towards Naysayer he worried that something would go wrong.

Eventually The Hutt was walking on Reed St. up to the front doors of Naysayer Publishing. The Legend was standing just inside the doors keeping an eye out for anyone that shouldn’t be there. As planned, the main indoor lights were off (as it was after nine) so the building would look closed. He walked inside and asked The Legend how things were going so far. The Legend informed him that everything had gone unbelievably smoothly. The thirty staff were being held hostage on the second floor with the lights out by The Cold Killer who had one of the guns, while the rest of the team were organizing the loot and trying to find the safe. The Hutt couldn’t be more excited that his plan was successful as he got in the elevator headed for the second floor to find The Architect.
Meanwhile, Lt. Wilson and Officer Edwards were still in the tunnel system searching all the places this tunnel lead. They had found a passage into the Hospital as well as Pontoon and PC Jewelers. They were now standing on the stairs looking at the hatch above them that was marked “Naysayer Publishing.” Like every building up to this point they slowly opened up the hatch and peered out onto what appeared to be the first floor of the large building. The lights were off but they could see a man standing by the front doors wearing a black mask clearly standing guard. Slowly shutting the hatch Wilson and Edwards just looked at each other in disbelief, before Lt. Wilson got out his radio.
Exiting the elevator on the second floor with his mask on, The Hutt was greeted by The Architect who was all smiles. Through a doorway down the hall The Hutt could see The Cold Killer standing guard over a group of people sitting on the floor. The lights in the building were off, but The Hutt could see members of his team hurrying around opening doors and exiting with CPUs in their arms. The Hutt asked The Architect if they had found the safe and he replied that The Chump had found and cracked the safe which contained a cool $100,000. Down the hallway to the right The Hutt could see The Wit and The Verdict piling CPUs onto a cart happily and that made The Hutt happy. This had been his plan and it had not only been successful, but everyone seemed happy as it had brought the team together.
Suddenly, The Hutt heard a siren and ran to the window to see what was going on. The Police car was turning onto Reed Street from Orion Road and it had the siren on. And from Lantern Lane he could see three officers running towards the building. The Architect radioed The Legend but there was no response. Knowing they had to get out of there fast The Architect quickly radioed The Chump (who had the money) and told him to hustle out the back door as quickly as he could, avoid any eyes, and run as fast as he could back to the hideout. He told him too if he was in danger of being caught to hide the money somewhere quickly.
The Architect yelled to The Wit and The Verdict to follow them down the back stairs. The Hutt followed if a little slower than The Architect. And then before they got into the stairwell The Architect stopped to wait for The Wit and The Verdict and said something that confused The Hutt. He said, “Trust me, this had to be done.” The Hutt’s response was limited to “What do…” before The Architect pulled out a gun from behind him, pointed it at The Wit, fired, then pointed it at The Verdict and fired again. Because the suit each contestant wears simulates impact when being shot, both The Wit and The Verdict fell down stunned at what had just happened. Before The Hutt could say anything else The Architect ran into the stairwell and started down the stairs. As The Hutt was about to ask what just happened two Cops appeared at the bottom of stairs pointed their guns at The Architect and yelled at him to surrender. The Architect surrendered immediately, and was forced against the wall and cuffed.
As the Hutt was being cuffed he wondered who if any escaped from Naysayer Publishing tonight, and if the game was over already.

Question of the Day: Who if anyone do you think was able to escape from the Cops?
Good stuff man! Sgt. Wells caught The Muscle for sure.
But you really need to feed Ryan's ego like this?? it's already big enough...haha. Jokes.
Sgt wells:
YOU may catch ME, anytime!
hahaha, i mean...ewwww!
Sexy wasn't the word i was thinking of ;)
I am suprised someone didn't shoot me in prison. I almost ratted out my team for my freedom...Gawsh!
yes chris! ya we for sure got out cuz we are that sexy. we could also fight our way out to if needed.
but i think everyone got out except the ones who are dead or caught. if this is true we just made 100 000 on this job at least, even though we lost a few ppl. but dont worry guys cause im still on the team and i will rob everything in sight and not get caught. im pretty good at commiting crimes i must say.
amanda: i would still try to get u out of jail even though ur kind of a rat. i would just make a deal with u. something like if u ratted or did something bad to our team, i would have to "stab you in the jaw"
unbelievable, thats what that was. Edge of your seat action. Who saw matt and matt getting taken out? they were like last on my list. I think that no one will escape cus me and yardy 'ell take yea'll down. Thats you osko, hahaha who's kidding who, im prolly back in the hole.
officer E
And who called the wit getting it first? I think so!! But the other matt as well....had no idea that was fulfilled my wishes flash....unexpected!!
Damn Ham, mysterious hatches and tunnels? If you start calling one of the groups "The Others" then we're gonna know something's up.
I thought the same thiiiing. Haha
where's organge crush these days?
screw orange crush!!! hahaha
but mike im looking forward to the next day. hope i get to do some killing of cops soon
I am around!
Lindsay... hi ;)
im making a prediction of who gets out of the heist.
well of course i get out but also the chump, cold killer, and stylist will get out, and whats cops and robbers with out pitman so he'll get out too.
we'll see how close i am. response to why Ryan killed those two guys....think about it....who knew where all of the guns were kept? It's down to 1 now with that knowledge in his move. Would have done the same thing....
Here is my question... and its kinda late to bring this up but i'm gonna do it anywho... if the robbers are not penelized for killing cops wouldn't it make sense to kill the cops first and then the robbers will have free rign of the city... even given that the robbers had 2 orignal weapons only compared to a fully armed police force the police still patrolled in pairs... Therefore get two armed guys out there picking of pairs of cops... especailly since the cops don't know who the robbers were... sure the cops might wise up after a while but by that time the robbers would definately have the upper hand...
For sure nate, the robbers could go out and kill the cops but so early in the game that is an unnecessary risk. if a shootout occurs then the robbers are at risk of being killed/eliminated as well. at this point in the game i believe the Robbers would want to stay under the radar as long as possible... unfortunately because of their current situation (ie. day nine) they will not be able to lay low any longer. ps. day ten coming real soon.
hamilton out
yes but as they say... fortune favors the bold... can' wait for day 10....
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