Thursday, February 09, 2006

Day Sixteen: Time for a Break

The Menace sat at the kitchen table in 41 Maple Drive, watching out the window for some sign of his team. Killing the family that had lived in the house was no problem for The Menace because its only a game, and the staff made very quick time of collecting the “dead” extras and escorting them from the house. The Menace had brought a good deal of supplies with him, but there would have to be another trip to the old hideout to get what he had left behind. All there was to do now was hope that his team hadn’t all been killed or arrested. Suddenly, The Menace saw some movement across the street as he was The Muscle and The Legend rushing towards the house both carrying large duffle-bags. Quickly The Menace rushed to the door, and opened it quickly letting his two teammates in.

Sitting down at the table breathing heavily The Muscle told him that they had merely broken down the front window, cracked the safe and rushed back. An alarm had even gone off, but no Cops showed up at all. They could hear gunshots from down the road, but they were in and out so quickly that no one even bothered with them. They had successfully stolen $80,000 from Garth’s Printing. From out side the house, The Menace could hear arguing and The Architect and The Chump burst in the front door clearly angry with each other. They each had bags as well, but The Stylist wasn’t with them. Apparently to get away from the Cops that were trying to kill them, The Architect had pushed The Stylist into the open and ran away. The Chump was incensed that The Architect would sacrifice his own teammate, but The Architect stood by his action and said he would do it again. So they didn’t know whether The Stylist was dead or arrested, but they had taken just over $100,000 from the Money-Mart.

The Following is the account of Lieutenant Amanda Maurice on Day Sixteen:

Amanda stood outside of the Paradise City Hospital on King St., trying to mediate the argument going on in front of her. It was the early morning and it had been a long night. The Robbers had attempted three different heists last night, and as far as she knew two of them had been successful and a lot of money had been stolen. She had been one of the three that stopped the third heist which ended with the elimination of two Robbers and the injury of Officer Eby. Earlier that day Officer Edwards had been shot, and he was still recovering. Because of the where he had been hit, he would still be recovering for three days. But Day 15 had not been all bad. Along with the deaths of two Robbers, the Cops had arrested a Robber dubbed “The Stylist” who interestingly had been in the station before posing as an extra, and another Robber “The Cold Killer” was in the Hospital where he was recovering from being shot in the shoulder. When he recovered fully, it would just a quick transfer from the Hospital across the street to the police station.

It was the deaths of the two Robbers that had been causing the argument Lt. Amanda was trying to deal with. Chief Pitman and Deputy Heidman were in a heated argument about the fact that he had shot first when dealing with the Robbers at Kerley’s. Amanda had been there and Deputy Heidman had definitely shot first before even trying to arrest the two Robbers. They could have made $150,000 with their arrests, but instead they will never make that money. But Deputy Heidman would have none of it because Chief Pitman had been at the station when the Robbers had pulled off a jailbreak with fake guns. As a Chief, Pitman should have put a stop to that, but in Heidman’s words, he “sat there and did nothing.” Lt. Amanda saw this as a place she did not want to be.


Matt “The Wit” Binnington slowly walked down Pewter St. past the Hospital. Two Cops appeared to be having some argument and there was definitely a lot of police activity around the building. “The Cold Killer” was in there, waiting to be fully healed so he could be transferred to the Police Station. “The Wit” had been hanging out for a couple days in his new house. He had easily killed off some lady in the housing area, but not close to his team’s hideout. The Wit had been keeping busy planning a couple holdups that he would be doing in a couple days, but he needed a partner. He so badly wanted to get back at The Architect, and he knew it was only a matter of time.


Lt. Amanda Maurice walked in the front door of the police station, then over to her desk and took a seat. It had been a long night and all she wanted to do was have a nap. Looking around, she saw that Sergeant Clements was sitting at his desk eating soup, Sergeant Wells was behind the receptionist desk and Officer Tyla was sleeping at her desk. Peering into the holding cell room, Amanda could see Captain Dirks seated on a stool talking to the newly arrested “The Stylist.” This was the Robber that had posed as an extra to get a good view of the interior of the Police station Amanda assumed.

The two of them were chuckling together, while The Hutt sat in another one of the cells reading a magazine advertising the latest video games. The Hutt had been in the cell for quite some time now, and he had been the hot topic of conversation these days. He had information about the Robber’s hideout and possibly some of their plans. They knew he wasn’t very athletic so with some hope, Deputy Heidman thought, they could release him after he gave them information, and they would probably be able to catch him again anyways. Yawning, Lt. Amanda Maurice decided she wasn’t going to wait any longer for her nap.

PIs Pat and Micah sat on the front porch of Pat’s house and sipped cola. The sun was out and it was a beautiful afternoon. Micah relayed his close call a few nights before when he had almost been eliminated after finding the Robber’s hideout. Pat, who hadn’t been very productive so far in the game desperately wanted to know where the hideout was, but Micahwas not going to tell him just yet. It wasn’t because Micah didn’t trust Pat, it was because Micah was planning to use Pat as bait to help him find more information about The Robbers and their intentions. It was a dastardly plan.

The Standings So Far:

Two Robbers arrested and in custody
$150,000 split 11 ways

$10,000 from Flower Convenience
$2,000 from Barbulli Shoes
$100,000 from Naysayer Publishing
$80,000 from Garth's Printing
$105,000 from The Money Mart
$297,000 split 9 ways



Anonymous Anonymous said...

its fine lindsay. yes u surprised me but im sure something like that would make you insane so i could see you going crazy and getting put in a nut house. thats if i dont get you first.

binny man im glad you're doin well and you're planning some stuff out. i would for sure be a partner to trust and i would do a good job in what ever heist you would need some help with. look me up man. you could also bust dan out of the hospital some way. im sure dans thinking of something good but helps always good.

also the cops would for sure be able to find the hutt again. thats all i gotta say.

3:46 PM, February 09, 2006  
Blogger Patrick Sutherland said...

Now I'm confused... I thought Micah had the close call a couple nights ago and I didn't know... ? Am I wrong here?

Either way Great day... The recalling of revenge from "the Witt" was a brilliant reminder of how complicated this often is.

Well Done... Can't Wait

Patrick Sutherland

5:12 PM, February 09, 2006  
Blogger Mike said...

Pat you are right... so i switched it... the shoe is on the other foot.

everyone who didn't notice cause i changed it, don't worry about it.


5:45 PM, February 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww yeaaah, the sweet revenge of 'the wit' on that bastard will help us coppers out.

Mike, can Jack Bauer make a guest appearance??

8:20 PM, February 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya mike i noticed that micah thing but its okay even the greats make mistakes.

oh and by the way 24 SUCKS!!!! no jack on this show.

8:29 PM, February 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lindsay jack bauer is gay. sorry to break the news but he came out of the cloaset so you dont have a chance.. any ways enought about how gay 24 is cuz this isnt a the 24 website this is mikes website

10:36 PM, February 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lidnsay, shoot cowin jack bauer style. throw some irony in there. haha

ps - "jack bauer style" is 'without hesitation' (...he is one crazy mofo)

10:41 AM, February 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off 24 does not suck and anyone who thinks that, well they know where they can go. Secondly, I think someone should cut off Cowins head just like Jack did to the guy who would not give him any info in the first episode of season that is Jack style!


6:49 PM, February 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


cops need some cash

i need some ginger ale

have a great night

Matt i think you should join the cops in order to get back at the robbers with some serious destruction of them, then you could betray the cops and take all the money for yourself.

7:17 PM, February 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tk's a douche.

8:19 PM, February 11, 2006  
Blogger Mike said...

yo i think "tk" may be kyle pitman...

any thoughts?

8:30 PM, February 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tk was defensive of the 24... and kyle pitman does love his 24. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

5:22 PM, February 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

could be.
c pitty

5:31 PM, February 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man u guys are all brutal.. 24 is gay lol and u guys are all obsessed about some gay show so that must make u guys gay. watch a good show like seinfeld or something i dunno.

10:51 PM, February 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard jerry seinfeld wears jack bauer pajamas too.

2:26 PM, February 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Cowin has Jack envy.


6:54 AM, February 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bauer = god

5:08 PM, February 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about u put ur name istead of anonymous?

9:18 PM, February 19, 2006  

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