Thursday, September 21, 2006

Day Twenty: Boiling Point

Matt “The Wit” Binnington and Dan “The Cold Killer” Wylie crept around in the shadows across the street from 41 Maple Drive. The Wit knew that The Architect was probably in that house right now, but he wasn’t about to make any mistakes at this point in the game. His plan was to go in there, explain to the team what happened, and hopefully kill The Architect. It was a simple plan, but as The Wit knew all to well, nothing goes smoothly in Cops and Robbers. Tomorrow whatever happens, will happen.


PI Nathalie Hainaut stood in line at thee grocery store, as her food had basically run out. She had kept to herself this entire game so far, and that wasn’t going to change. She was sitting on some very important information. With the whereabouts of the Robbers’ current hideout, Nathalie knew that she could have some of them arrested today, but she wanted to wait a little while. If she kept a close eye on the hideout, maybe after a big heist she could get all the Robbers arrested, as well as recover whatever money they stole. Nathalie knew with a little patience she could make a lot of money.

The Following is the account of Deputy Chief Scott Heidman on Day Twenty:

Deputy Heidman sat at his desk in the Police Station doodling on a piece of paper. In the station with him were Officer Tyla Leonard and Lt. Amanda Maurice. The two of them were chatting about boys or something, but it was of no consequence to Heidman. He was angry. His team had lost two members to this point, Officer Phil Siebenmorgan, and Lt. Mike Wilson, and neither of which were his fault. But somehow, Chief Kyle Pitman had the nerve to place the blame on him. Chief Pitman was supposed to be in charge, but not only had he let the Robbers free three of their own members from jail, he had failed to make any progress on any of the heists that have already occurred in the game.

All Chief Pitman would say is “Go on patrol.” Patrols, patrols, patrols… What happened to being creative and taking chances? It was time for a change of management. It was then that his thought materialized into the object of his disdain, as Chief Kyle Pitman walked into the station with Sergeant Clements and Officer Edwards. Immediately, Chief Pitman told Deputy Heidman to take Lt. Mandy and go on a patrol. Not this time, Heidman thought and he said no. As if expecting the heated response, Chief Pitman reached behind his back pulled out his gun and pointed it at Deputy Heidman, and told him again.


Sergeant Tyler Wells could not believe what he was looking at. The Cold Killer and most likely the other Robber that had freed him were sneaking around houses in the residential area. With Sgt. Wells was Captain Nathan Dirks, as the two of them had become good friends. When this other Robber had freed The Cold Killer, Sgt. Wells had vowed that his main goal in the rest of the game would be to eliminate or arrest The Cold Killer, but Wells was not too proud to put his own goals ahead of those of his team. He would wait. He would wait until these two Robbers led him to their hideout.


Deputy Chief Heidman whipped out his gun in an instant and pointed it at his superior officer. Chief Pitman was doing a terrible job at running this team, and it was going to have to change today. He told Chief Pitman was he thought about his leadership for the hundredth time, but in this case he added a whole rant about the Chief giving up his position and getting out of his way. Heidman looked over at the other Cops in the room and almost laughed aloud. Sergeant Clements looked white as a ghost, and Officer Edwards had actually seated himself on the flood with his head in his hands. Chief Pitman yelled loudly to the other Cops about who, if anyone agreed with Deputy Heidman. For what seemed like a minute, no one made a sound, until Officer Edwards spoke up. Steve told Pitman that he probably could have done something about the jailbreak, and that as a team more should have been done up to this point. To that, Chief Pitman’s face went beet red, he threw down his hat, told the team that he quit and stormed out into the night. (Deputy) Chief Heidman couldn’t help the smile that came to his face.


PI Michelle Whiting sat at a table drinking coffee with her new “friends” Micah and Pat. Tomorrow would be the day that she led them to the slaughter. Tomorrow would be the day that they are the bait, and she takes the pictures she needs to make a call to the SWAT team. Happy times for Michelle.

The Standings So Far:

Two Robbers arrested and in custody$150,000 split 11 ways

$10,000 from Flower Convenience
$2,000 from Barbulli Shoes
$100,000 from Naysayer Publishing
$80,000 from Garth’s Printing
$105,000 from The Money Mart
$297,000 split 9 ways


Next time on Cops and Robbers… Michelle puts her plan in motion to use Micah and Pat. The Wit and The Cold Killer confront The Architect... Stay tuned for the most explosive and shocking Cops and Robbers yet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, hey chief pitman, no hard feelings alright? heh.

what i love most mike is matt's plan to get revenge, just walk in the place and tell everyone the story while killing him. thats golden, your gon' have to talk fast cube.

- steve

6:24 PM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I had a gun!


7:21 PM, September 21, 2006  
Blogger Mike said...

the point is, steve, that Binny can't just go in and kill Ryan, he needs to explain to his team, so they don't kill him in return.



10:12 PM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luckily for me I am really good at multitasking. The other day I used the phone while going to the bathroom at the same time. If that isn't comparable to killing some guy while other people why I'm killing some guy... I don't know what is

11:10 AM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike this is great! I am so glad that this is back. Can't wait for day 21!!

12:00 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

matt i hope u do kill some ppl, kill come cops while ur at it... as for that multitasking thats jokes man ive sort of done the same, i went to the washroom (standing), brushed my teeth and put deodorent on at the same time... i think this means we should join up and kill some cops when ur done with ur revenge.. kill kill kill lol

2:23 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cowin.... you're sounding rather violent....

3:01 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh common Mike, sure I'd believe Michelle if she told me that "they took gulible out of the dictionary" but when it comes to being led to the slaughter, I know I'd have picked up on something especially when in a game like this. But oh well, do your little PI killing, you jerk.

PS. You're doing a horribly great job, I'm just sour because I'm going to DIE

8:37 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey my whole goal would be to kill all the cops except for one and leave him til the end of the game, or girl (maybe i'd leave you lindsay)

6:51 AM, September 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't kill cops, they keep our streets safe to play on.

12:51 PM, September 24, 2006  

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