Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sneak Peek of What's to Come

Matt “The Wit” Binnington

Expect to see Matt confronting The Architect very soon. Their conflict will not only end in the elimination of one of the two of them, but possibly others as well.

Adam “The Chump” Clarke

Aside from the already in progress attack on Silas, you may see The Chump playing a major role in future heists.

Sergeant Christopher Clements

With the Police force split down the middle, Sgt. Clements will be stuck in the middle with a tough decision ahead of him.

Andrew “The Menace” Cowin

Cowin will make a mistake that will drastically change the face of the game, and could result in an early exit.

Captain Nathan Dirks

Nathan will be involved in a conflict that sees three contestants killed. Will he be one of them?

Officer Lindsay Eby

The time for coasting is over, and Officer Eby decides its time to take the game into her own hands.

Officer Stephen Edwards

Recently released from the hospital, it will not be long before Steve is again in need of some serious “medical” attention.

Private Investigator Micah George

Micah’s plan for using Pat as bait is underway, but will it work, or will it signal the end of the line for Micah?

Private Investigator Nathalie Hainaut

With lots of information and tricks up her sleeve, Nathalie is the first to make the call to the SWAT team to raid the Robbers’ hideout, but is it too late?

Christopher “The Hutt” Harris

Not doing much in prison, will The Hutt be able to free himself, or maybe reveal some information to ensure his freedom?

Deputy Chief Scott Heidman

With his opinion of Chief Pitman reaching an all-time low, Deputy Heidman decides to resolve his problem in an unexpected way.

Captain Cameron Hodge

Captain Cam has not forgotten the jail-break days earlier. The Robbers came into his home, just as he will come into theirs.

Officer Tyla Leonard

Surviving until the last couple days does not mean that Tyla will see day 30.

Ryan “The Architect” Mateulewicz

With his scheming, Ryan believes himself to have set up this game in his favour. But it may all unravel very quickly.

Lieutenant Amanda Maurice

Proving to be the most stable person on her team, Lt. Mandy will try and hold her team together until the end of the game.

Private Investigator Silas Pedro Esq.

Things are not looking too good for Silas. Will he be able to escape, or will his reckless investigating tactics result in elimination?

Christopher “The Muscle” Pitman

The Muscle will kill at least three more people in the game.

Police Chief Kyle Pitman

His team is split, and you can expect to see Chief Pitman take some time from his team, and take it to the Robbers vigilante style.

Private Investigator Patrick Sutherland

Micah is getting him into some very deep trouble, but Pat is no idiot.

Bryant “The Legend” Trotman

With the teams splitting all around him, The Legend will stand strong and become the leader of his team.

Sergeant Tyler Wells

Tyler’s vendetta against The Cold Killer will not disappoint.

Private Investigator Michelle Whiting

With other PIs making serious progress, Michelle ups and ante, but get caught up in more than she bargained for.

Siobhan “The Stylist” Wilson

You may not remember, but The Architect betrayed The Stylist once before. It will not be the only time.

Dan “The Cold Killer” Wylie

Working with The Wit against The Architect is going to get The Cold Killer into a lot of trouble.

Cops and Robbers will be back with Day Nineteen in about a week. I look forward to it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never seen medical used in quotes, so i'm really not sure what "medical" means but its kinda scary mikey boy.

- stever

8:04 PM, September 06, 2006  
Blogger C.D. Clements said...

I like a ‘good’ tough decision to keep the plot interesting.
Pre-made pasta or cook a non-processed meal for your self?
Something like that would be good I feel.
Chris Clements.

8:31 PM, September 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i miss you

7:20 PM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww come on im the menace, the menace cant leave the game early. also i never make mistakes.

6:58 AM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is going to be good

10:56 AM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this really makes me so excited. really.

8:32 PM, September 20, 2006  

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