Thursday, October 19, 2006

Day Twenty-Five: Super Break-Out

Sgt. Clements slipped out of the Police Station without anyone noticing he had gone. It was not enough that the team had six Robbers in jail, they needed to be united as one team. It was going to be up to him to achieve this. First, he had to find Chief Kyle Pitman, and second he had to bring him back and reconcile his differences with Deputy Chief Heidman. It would be a tough job, but Clements was dedicated.


The Menace quickly moved through the tunnels up to a door labeled Johnny’s Fine Foods. Taking a deep breath, The Menace shoved the door open and put one foot in the doorway before a deafening alarm went off, startling him, as well as turning him away. Too many thoughts filled The Menace’s mind, like how could he use the tunnels anymore? And could he get out before the Cops got to the other end? Would this bring attention to the area where he hid his money? He made a big mistake, and hopefully he would not have to pay for it.
The following is the account of Bryant “The Legend” Trotman on Day Twenty-Five:

The Legend was surprised to find that his teammates already had a plan to escape. Not even a full day after being in jail, there was already hope that they would escape, they just had to wait for the perfect time. It was awkward however being in jail with the Wit and The Architect. They obviously planned to kill eachother after they escaped, so what was he to do? How would this affect their escape plan? It didn’t matter to The Legend however, as long as he got to escape and get a piece of that money that The Menace had escaped with.


Captain Dirks’ computer screen flashed a message that an alarm was going off at Johnny’s Fine Foods. It was time to roll. This meant that they probably had the location of the last Robber, and with luck they could take him out and win the game. All they would have to do if they caught him, was wait until Day 30 and the game would be over. Springing into motion he told his team that they needed to move quickly to catch this guy. Everyone wanted to go too, but obviously some people needed to stay behind. Cpt. Dirks knew that he wanted to work with Sgt. Wells, and he picked Officer Edwards, and Officer Tyla to come along too. Deputy Chief Heidman wanted to go too, but Captain Dirks told him that Heidman would be the only one he trusted to watch the station. After all, he had been the one that was super pissed that Chief Pitman had let the last batch of Robbers escape. So Deputy Chief Heidman and Lt. Mandy stayed to guard the station. Where was Sgt. Clements?


The Legend noticed that something was happening in the other room. The Cops were leaving! The window in the door was small, and he was on a weird angle, but he could see that most likely only two Cops were left to stand guard. If this was not their chance, The Legend didn’t think it would ever come. He told the rest of the Robbers that this was it, and they all agreed. The Wit only glared at The Architect.

The Stylist pulled the keys out of her pocket, and unlocked her cell which contained her and The Architect, and then they opened the second one which contained The Chump and The Hutt, and finally opened the Legend’s cell which he occupied with The Wit. They quietly exited their cells and The Architect peered out of the door window, counted one two three, and they all poured into the office section of the Police Station.


Deputy Chief Heidman was furious that his “teammates” excluded him from yet another raid. It was getting ridiculous. Why didn’t they trust him? Thinking about the six Robbers in the holding cells, Heidman told Lt. Mandy to go check on the prisoners, which she began to do. But just as she was about to open to door, it opened and all the Robbers tried to push by her. Instinctively, Heidman grabbed his gun off his desk and began to shoot to injure into the crowd by the door.

His first couple shots missed as he was across the room, but then he saw one shot hit The Architect in the thigh knocking him down, and then another hit The Wit in the arm startling him. Lt. Mandy tried to grab another Robber, but unfortunately she ran in the middle of Heidman’s gunfire and received multiple blows to the torso. She stumbled and fell as her suit’s blood packets burst open. Immediately a staff member burst in the door and tackled Deputy Chief Heidman so he could not take anymore shots. As a rule The Cops are not allowed to shoot other Cops, and if they do, they are eliminated.


As The Wit watched his team escape out the door, due to the mistake by the Cops, he couldn’t believe that he had been shot again. Even though there were no Cops left to arrest him, he still needed to go to the Hospital to get “healed.” Suddenly he noticed that The Architect was getting up from the floor on the other side of the room. The Wit decided that he wasn’t dead yet and ran over to one of the Cops and took her gun, just as The Architect was running over to grab another gun on one of the desks.

The Wit yelled for the Architect to stop and put up his hands. The Architect’s back was to The Wit as he stopped and put his hands in the air. The Architect began apologizing and saying that it was necessary to kill him and The Verdict earlier in the game. The Wit could see The Architect inching closer to the gun and he told him again to stop. He was not going to allow The Architect to escape, and his suit told him he only had three minutes left to make it to the hospital. The Architect apologized one more time, and actually whimpered when he said that he needed the money. The Wit smiled and laughed at The Architect’s back as he pulled the trigger and shot The Architect again and again in the back. His revenge was complete. He dropped the gun and hustled out the door and over to the hospital.


The Legend ran with The Chump and The Stylist, with The Hutt falling behind, but trying his hardest. The Legend saw a new light in The Hutt’s eyes. He could tell that The Hutt wanted to win now. He had been in jail for a long time. He didn’t know what happened to The Wit and The Architect, but he had his assumptions. It didn’t matter though, because The Legend was free again, and he was happy. Now all they had to do was find The Menace.

So today we say goodbye to a few of our friends.

Firstly we must bid farewell to Deputy Chief Scott Heidman:

His aspirations were the death of him, as he wanted to lead the team, but was left out to dry. He accidentally shot his own teammate and was eliminated.

We must also say goodbye to Lieutenant Amanda Maurice:

Too bad that she was shot by her own teammate. Bud luck.

And lastly a small take care to Ryan “The Architect” Mateulewicz:

He stabbed his own team in the back, and in the end he was shot in his own back. I spose you get what you deserve.

The Standings so far:


$300,000 split 6 ways.

Nathalie: $200,000
Pat: nada

Next time on Cops and Robbers… The Cops have a big mess to clean up, The Robbers try to find The Menace, and Pat sends out the many pictures he took of the escaped Robbers.


Blogger Patrick Sutherland said...

Ooo fascinating turn of events. A cop accidentally shooting his own teamate and being eliminated leaving the door wide open for escape. Brilliant! Just Brilliant!

1:43 PM, October 22, 2006  
Blogger A Horse(wo)man said...

You wouldn't believe the rush you get when realizing you've capped some guy in the back in a fantasy reality show blog-o-rama supergame.

I just peed my pants,


12:21 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan stabbing his team in the back... so very realistic.

How ironic that he gets shot in the back... what goes around comes around.

Even better line --> "I suppose you get what you deserve".

12:47 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great stuff there Mike, you just keep shooting those posts out. Truman Capote eat your heart out.
And Pat, look out for bear traps on your way to the office.


5:54 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger C.D. Clements said...

My allegiances are split. Survivor Hamilton, or 'cops and robbers'. Zip Zap.

9:16 PM, October 27, 2006  
Blogger Tim said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:04 PM, August 19, 2007  

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