Day Twenty-Two: Going Back
PI Pat Sutherland wanted to say goodbye to PIs Micah and Michelle, but he really did not have time. He had to get to his house, to use his phone and call the SWAT to get them to seize the hideout before the Cops took everything. Maybe there were some Robbers still hiding in there. Either way, if his call resulted in arrests of recovered money, he would see a big paycheck. Suddenly he realized that in the rules of the game, a PI needs to have pictures of the suspicious buildings or characters. Rushing back to the hideout, Pat tried to find Michelle’s camera in the dark. She had to have dropped it.
Officer Lindsay Eby sat on the outside of the bars of the holding cells watching her captives. “Chief” Heidman had been considerable angry that no one had told him about the hideout, but he can’t argue with results. Each Robber in custody at the end of 30 days resulted in a $75,000 raise for the remaining Cops at the end of the game. Lindsay’s math was not so great but she could calculate that five Robbers in jail meant a portion of $375,000 was coming her way. The Hutt, The Stylist, The Architect, The Chump and The Wit were not saying much. They knew that the end of the game was coming quickly, and that if they stayed in jail, they would not be making any money. The Wit was looking peculiarly angry in the direction of The Architect. Lindsay wondered what that was about, but it did not matter, soon she would be going out and she was not coming back without a Robber in custody.
Andrew “The Menace” Cowin yelled up ahead for The Legend and The Muscle to stop running for a second. They had been running for quite some time, and had made it very far away from their second hideout. The Menace had a little problem. While he knew they had to give up the money that was recovered when the Cops took the hideout, he didn’t think that the Cops would find the money buried in the garden in the backyard. The Menace knew it would be risky, but they had just under $200,000 in the backyard, and seeing as there is only three of them left, that mixed with whatever else they stole would give them each a hefty payday. The Menace knew it was going against his gut to make the call, but they needed to go back and get the money. They had guns, they could protect themselves.
The Following is the account of Private Investigator Nathalie Hainaut on Day Twenty-Two:

With pictures of the Robbers’ hideout and of many of the Robbers themselves all over Nathalie’s table, she knew she was in good shape. With a phone in her hand, and a phone number forever etched in her brain, Nathalie knew it was time to make some money. She dialed the number and a mysterious man’s voice picked up on the other line. He asked Nathalie what sort of information she had, and once she told him about the pictures of the Robbers and their hideout, the man’s voice said that he would put a raid into motion. This group of SWAT officers would take the hideout, arrest whoever they could find, and search the whole place for any loot. All Nathalie needed to do was send to pictures over from her computer. Nathalie rushed to get that done because she didn’t know how much time she would have. She emailed the pictures, and called again. The man picked up again, told her to stay inside, and everything would be taken care of. The SWAT team was on their way to the hideout.
The Menace ran through the dark into the hideout’s backyard. It seemed that the Cops were gone, but just to be sure The Muscle was standing in shadows of the front yard to watch out for any activity. The Legend dug as fast as he could, and in no time they reached their large duffle bag filled with bills. Grabbing it out of the hole, The Menace ran out of the backyard followed by The Legend. The Muscle saw them, and began jogging their way, when a flash from across the street distracted him. His eyes took some time to get adjusted to the dark again but when they did, he saw a portly fellow running through the backyards away from them. He must have been a Private Investigator. The Menace yelled for The Muscle to forget it, but The Muscle would not listen, and he ran across the street to chase the PI.
Just then, a huge black truck came speeding around the corner without a siren, but The Muscle knew what it was. Looking behind him, he could see that The Menace and The Legend had already disappeared in some backyards. A dozen men came piling out of the truck with semi-automatic guns drawn, and The Muscle turned to run. He could feel blood packed explode on the backs of his legs, and the little explosions messed with his balance and he fell right there in the middle of the street. Within seconds, men piled on top of him, pinning him to the ground and cuffing him. The Muscle knew this was probably the end of the game for him. He swore again and again.
Officer Lindsay Eby walked down the street in her uniform towards where the arrests had taken place. She had an idea that some of the escaped Robbers may go back to the hideout, but none of the Cops wanted to come with her. They thought the chances were too slim to bother with. Lindsay was frustrated about the lack of devotion and trust within the Cops, and she wanted to be an example of hard work. Everyone had doubted her to this point, but she was going to prove them wrong. Just then a large man ran out between two houses followed by another smaller guy. The larger one was lugging a giant bag. Lindsay drew her gun and yelled for the two men to stop, but they didn’t. Lindsay decided to take a chance. She called for backup, pointed, aimed and shot at the smaller guy. From a distance she could see the guy stumble and fall. She had hit him! She ran over to make the arrest just as the bigger guy turned around, pulled out a gun and shot 2,3,4 times into the chest of Officer Eby. She staggered back and sat on the grass. Her suit told her she was eliminated.
PI Nathalie Hainaut picked up the phone as it rang and listened to the mysterious man’s voice. The voice told her that the SWAT team had recovered around $100,000 and arrested one Robber at another $100,000 rate. Congratulations, the voice said, you just made $200,000. Nathalie sat back and wondered, if she should even risk trying anything else.
So today we say goodbye to our happy little friend Officer Lindsay Eby:

She tried her best, and in the end inflicted some damage to the only two remaining Robbers, and because of her there is only one healthy Robber left.
The Standings so far:
Five Robbers arrested at $75,000 each
Total: $375,000 split 8 ways.
$200,000 split 2 ways
Nathalie: $200,000
Pat: nada
Next time on Cops and Robbers… The Legend, who was shot has to take the risk of going to the hospital. The Menace tries a heist on his own, and the jailed Robbers plan a breakout. Also, The Muscle tries to figure out if there is any way to escape the SWAT jail he has found himself in.
Officer Lindsay Eby sat on the outside of the bars of the holding cells watching her captives. “Chief” Heidman had been considerable angry that no one had told him about the hideout, but he can’t argue with results. Each Robber in custody at the end of 30 days resulted in a $75,000 raise for the remaining Cops at the end of the game. Lindsay’s math was not so great but she could calculate that five Robbers in jail meant a portion of $375,000 was coming her way. The Hutt, The Stylist, The Architect, The Chump and The Wit were not saying much. They knew that the end of the game was coming quickly, and that if they stayed in jail, they would not be making any money. The Wit was looking peculiarly angry in the direction of The Architect. Lindsay wondered what that was about, but it did not matter, soon she would be going out and she was not coming back without a Robber in custody.
Andrew “The Menace” Cowin yelled up ahead for The Legend and The Muscle to stop running for a second. They had been running for quite some time, and had made it very far away from their second hideout. The Menace had a little problem. While he knew they had to give up the money that was recovered when the Cops took the hideout, he didn’t think that the Cops would find the money buried in the garden in the backyard. The Menace knew it would be risky, but they had just under $200,000 in the backyard, and seeing as there is only three of them left, that mixed with whatever else they stole would give them each a hefty payday. The Menace knew it was going against his gut to make the call, but they needed to go back and get the money. They had guns, they could protect themselves.
The Following is the account of Private Investigator Nathalie Hainaut on Day Twenty-Two:

With pictures of the Robbers’ hideout and of many of the Robbers themselves all over Nathalie’s table, she knew she was in good shape. With a phone in her hand, and a phone number forever etched in her brain, Nathalie knew it was time to make some money. She dialed the number and a mysterious man’s voice picked up on the other line. He asked Nathalie what sort of information she had, and once she told him about the pictures of the Robbers and their hideout, the man’s voice said that he would put a raid into motion. This group of SWAT officers would take the hideout, arrest whoever they could find, and search the whole place for any loot. All Nathalie needed to do was send to pictures over from her computer. Nathalie rushed to get that done because she didn’t know how much time she would have. She emailed the pictures, and called again. The man picked up again, told her to stay inside, and everything would be taken care of. The SWAT team was on their way to the hideout.
The Menace ran through the dark into the hideout’s backyard. It seemed that the Cops were gone, but just to be sure The Muscle was standing in shadows of the front yard to watch out for any activity. The Legend dug as fast as he could, and in no time they reached their large duffle bag filled with bills. Grabbing it out of the hole, The Menace ran out of the backyard followed by The Legend. The Muscle saw them, and began jogging their way, when a flash from across the street distracted him. His eyes took some time to get adjusted to the dark again but when they did, he saw a portly fellow running through the backyards away from them. He must have been a Private Investigator. The Menace yelled for The Muscle to forget it, but The Muscle would not listen, and he ran across the street to chase the PI.
Just then, a huge black truck came speeding around the corner without a siren, but The Muscle knew what it was. Looking behind him, he could see that The Menace and The Legend had already disappeared in some backyards. A dozen men came piling out of the truck with semi-automatic guns drawn, and The Muscle turned to run. He could feel blood packed explode on the backs of his legs, and the little explosions messed with his balance and he fell right there in the middle of the street. Within seconds, men piled on top of him, pinning him to the ground and cuffing him. The Muscle knew this was probably the end of the game for him. He swore again and again.
Officer Lindsay Eby walked down the street in her uniform towards where the arrests had taken place. She had an idea that some of the escaped Robbers may go back to the hideout, but none of the Cops wanted to come with her. They thought the chances were too slim to bother with. Lindsay was frustrated about the lack of devotion and trust within the Cops, and she wanted to be an example of hard work. Everyone had doubted her to this point, but she was going to prove them wrong. Just then a large man ran out between two houses followed by another smaller guy. The larger one was lugging a giant bag. Lindsay drew her gun and yelled for the two men to stop, but they didn’t. Lindsay decided to take a chance. She called for backup, pointed, aimed and shot at the smaller guy. From a distance she could see the guy stumble and fall. She had hit him! She ran over to make the arrest just as the bigger guy turned around, pulled out a gun and shot 2,3,4 times into the chest of Officer Eby. She staggered back and sat on the grass. Her suit told her she was eliminated.
PI Nathalie Hainaut picked up the phone as it rang and listened to the mysterious man’s voice. The voice told her that the SWAT team had recovered around $100,000 and arrested one Robber at another $100,000 rate. Congratulations, the voice said, you just made $200,000. Nathalie sat back and wondered, if she should even risk trying anything else.
So today we say goodbye to our happy little friend Officer Lindsay Eby:

She tried her best, and in the end inflicted some damage to the only two remaining Robbers, and because of her there is only one healthy Robber left.
The Standings so far:
Five Robbers arrested at $75,000 each
Total: $375,000 split 8 ways.
$200,000 split 2 ways
Nathalie: $200,000
Pat: nada
Next time on Cops and Robbers… The Legend, who was shot has to take the risk of going to the hospital. The Menace tries a heist on his own, and the jailed Robbers plan a breakout. Also, The Muscle tries to figure out if there is any way to escape the SWAT jail he has found himself in.
shoooot. why did all those guys have to jump on me. It woulda been sweet if it was a HOT female officer.. she could have cuffed me anyday.
ill be back though.
hahaha, i loved the way you went out there osko, that was golden. just runs right into it.
good episode michael, got some suspense and some laughs in.
- steve
Pat bumbles around... a PI finally makes money... someone dies... its all great...
P the P
I frigging own the cut eye
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hahahaha yesssss lindsay i killed you.. man im pretty happy and would be even happier in the game (not offense lindsay)... its just feels really good killing cops and i tihnk earlier on i told lindsay id kill her maybe maybe not i cant remember... anyways watch out everyone cause this robber is gonna take over this town
i will miss her
the OC
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